Art and Special Events at Sled!

Sled Island and the Alberta College of Art + Design are proud to announce a renewed collaboration to intensify, showcase and expand the diverse wealth of work coming out of Calgary’s many arts communities. Events include Chris J.J. Reimer, a photography show celebrating the life of the innovative and influential Calgary guitarist from such bands as Women and Azeda Booth, the C1RCAxSled Island Poster Show at Sloth Records which is your chance to own a limited edition, three-colour, hand silk-screened poster by local designers and illustrators, PICTURE BOOKS, Sled Island’s inaugural zine and printed matter art book fair, and several other events found here. This growing branch of the festival exists to foster the relationship between many artists and disciplines in captivating site-specific installations and venues.

In previous years Sled Island has featured special events and workshops ranging from intimate weirdo guitar workshops led by Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), panel discussions about what it is to emerge in Calgary’s arts community, and seances to evoke dead pop stars (Ian Svenonius). This year we’re not formalizing a thing, but have a series of diverse events intended to expand this growing festival component and spark conversation at Sled. Events will include our party inspiration Andrew W.K. taking questions from people of all-ages about what it means to party, Tim Hecker in conversation, a DIY bring-your-own-Gameboy chiptune instrument building workshop led by GreyScreen, a panel discussion about the landscape of Alberta music, and a noise maker tour of the National Music Centre.
