Special Event


We recommend stopping by Blindman Brewing to stock up on beers to complement your day's activities, whether they include streaming Guest Curator Sudan Archives' livestream and Q&A, tuning into This Film Should Not Exist as part of Calgary Underground Film Festival online or checking Simone Saunders' art exhibition and any of the other dozen or so activities we've got planned for you. Blindman is run by fantastic people heavily involved in Calgary's music & arts community and we couldn't recommend them enough!

Though Blindman's brewery is located in Lacombe, they've partnered with various liquor stores across town to offer their delicious beers all week long and are launching their new Super Session during The Lemonade Stand!

A perfect beer for all your Sledding needs. Super Session is a hoppy, juicy, New England-Style Ale clocking in at 3.0 % ABV. For these seemingly endless days of summer, this is an endlessly drinkable beer, in an almost endless vessel - a true Canadian pint-sized can (20 ounces). 

To accompany your Sled Island experience, you can pick this beer up at any one of these neighborhood stores.

Alberta Beer Exchange
130, 1642 10th Ave SW
Facebook: @albertabeerx
Twitter: @albertabeerx
Intagram: @albertabeerx

Britannia Wine Merchants
810 49 Ave SW
Facebook: @britanniawinemerchants
Twitter: @britanniawine
Instagram: @britanniawine

Collective A Craft Beer Shop
12445 Lake Fraser Dr. SE #445
Facebook: @collective-a-craft-beer-shop
Instagram: @collectivecraftbeershop

Kensington Wine Market
1257 Kensington Rd NW
Facebook: @kensingtonwinemarket
Twitter: @kensingtonWM
Instagram: @kensingtonWM

Market Wines
520 77 Avenue SE
Facebook: @marketwines.yyc
Twitter: @marketwines.yyc

Oak & Vine Mt. Pleasant
1030 16th Ave NW
Facebook: @oakandvine
Instagram: oak_and_vine

Oak & Vine Inglewood
1139 9th Avenue SE
Facebook: @oakandvine
Instagram: oak_and_vine

Piazza Wine & Spirits
921 General Ave NE

Vine Arts Victoria Park
1310 1st St. SW
Facebook: @VineArts
Twitter: @VineArts
Instagram: @VineArts 

Vine Arts 17th Avenue
101, 932 17th Ave. SW


Blindman Brewing is an award-winning brewery that was founded in Lacombe in 2015 - named after the central Alberta river that flows near the town. It was founded by 6 people who came together over a passion for making great beer and supporting their community. 

Blindman Brewing Inc.
Bay F - 3413 53 Ave
Lacombe, AB T4L 0C6

Facebook: @blindmanbrewing
Twitter: @blindmanbrewery
Instagram: @blindmanbrewery