Visual Art


A 175-page choose-your-own-adventure lucid dream comic temporarily wheat-pasted throughout Calgary's downtown core, Scavenger encourages festival attendees to follow the trails of diverging narratives that bridge the physical and temporal spaces between both festival venues and show times. With each grouping featuring two possible routes, alternate narratives collide with alternate pathways, temporarily activating the interstitial spaces of Sled Island. Can you follow all of the narrative paths before they disappear? 
Find the comics and follow the trail by visiting

Jill Stanton is an Edmonton-based artist working mainly with graphic narrative imagery. Her animation, comic and mural work was recently featured in the 2015 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art. With a background in printmaking, Stanton currently works as Print Shop Coordinator with the Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts, an arts centre supporting adults with developmental disabilities. She can be found at